Summer Assignment I hope all of you are enjoying your summer.Although many consider time in the summer to fly, take some time to think about how your perceptions of the moments and events of your days are remembered both by you and the people around you.This is how history is studied.What motivates you?What are the causes for the things that happen in your days, big and small?How do the issues of the world affect you?What do you do that affects the world? All of these questions are incredibly subtle and sublime.These are some of the same questions we will ask in the beginning of the semester concerning European colonization. So many issues, individuals and events weave stories of the beginnings of our country, our diverse culture and our economy.Chapters 1-5 in your old text cover much of this content.I have to confess that, while this text does present much information, I am not too fond of the format.In my own way, though, I have learned to study and analyze history.Many of you will take different paths.So heres the work: 1) Read Chapters 1-5 in your old text, the American Pageant by Bailey and Kennedy. 2)Complete the assignments in each of the study guides for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 (click to download them in Adobe PDF format). Let me know if you have any questions at all, or if you would like to discuss some of what youve learned.If youd like, you can use this forum (and this thread specifically) to share and discuss the chapters. Ill see you all soon!Enjoy the sun!
The Forum is the best part of the class even though i didnt do everything i was supposed too. Im bringing the old one back and i know Brandi is dying to post like 15 things a day!
The Forum is the best part of the class even though i didnt do everything i was supposed too. Im bringing the old one back and i know Brandi is dying to post like 15 things a day!
That was Tom T. 2006-2007 APUSH master but im a little rusty on the forum