Essay Question: Using Shay's Rebellion as a template of class revolt in America, examine in detail the causes, events and effects of five other similar scenarios in American history. How have these economic issues shaped American identity?
Project Based Lesson: Life After the Revolution Model Construction - Students will use light building materials (for models) to design and construct a Revolution Era farm, small New England village, plantation, and city by using paintings, primary sources, maps, etc. By doing this, students will have a greater visualization of political, economic and social forces working in the newly formed United States at that time.
Readings/Internet: Jefferson's 'Notes on Virginia', James Dickinson's 'Letters from an American Farmer', and personal accounts of Shay's Rebellion in Massachusetts.
Links Lesson: 1) Compare and Contrast Shay's Rebellion with Bacon's Rebellion, 2) Concept Web of weaknesses from the Articles of Confederation, 3) Cause and Effect chart of territorial expansion and Native American military self-defense
Essential Questions: 1) What is the best form of government in a democratic society? 2) What are the weaknesses of different governments in the world today? 3) Would it have been possible to limit the growth of resources and land in early America? 4) What are the differences between a political revolution and a class revolt? 5) What would be the result of a second Constitutional Convention in America today?
Identification Terms
John Adams
Confederation Congr.
Adam Smith
Thomas Jefferson
Newburgh Conspiracy
Articles of Confeder.
Treaty of Paris 1783
George Washington
Judicial Review
John Dickenson
Daniel Shays
Mount Vernon Confer.
Northwest Ordinance
Shays Rebellion
640 Acres
Alexander Hamilton
Land Ordinance
James Madison
Ohio Company
Annapolis Convention
Interstate commerce
Treaty Authority
Wealth of Nations
Abigail Adams
Revolution & Slavery
Native Americans
Trade Authority
British forts
Common defense
Short Answer Questions
1.What lessons did Shays Rebellion teach both average Americans and those who hold institutional power in 1786?
2.What political, economic and military benefits did the Articles of Confederation provide the former colonies?
3.Describe the economic significance of Adam Smiths Wealth of Nations and its impact on American development.
4.Explain how both the short and long term impact of the Northwest Ordinance affected Americans as they expanded west.
5.Was a new Constitution needed in 1787?Explain your answer by considering political, economic and social factors.
6.Did the Newburgh Conspiracy pose a potential or real threat in 1783?How would America have been different if it succeeded?
7.What were the political, economic and military inefficiencies of the Articles of Confederation?Describe their impact then.
8.Why did England surrender?Consider the Revolutionary War and the Confederation period from their perspective & analyze.
9.In what way did the forming of a permanent American government affect Native Americans?Describe in detail.
10.How did victory affect women, the poor, and slaves in the new United States after the Revolutionary War was over?