Essay Question: Expansion of political, economic and military power also includes the expansion of social influence.When America expanded its borders before (and after) the Civil War, it increased its influence in all areas above.Some say the same pattern is reemerging in America today, with the combination of globalization and Americas war on terror.Take a position either comparing or contrasting the two events and eras and then examine in detail the impact of America and those its influence affects.
Project Based Lesson: Dissent and War Analysis Students will examine the essay, Civil Disobedience, by Henry David Thoreau and three other anti-war movements in American history in order to determine patterns and draw conclusions concerning the political objectives of war, the unintended consequences of war, the moral obligations of war, the economic costs of war and the effectiveness of organized, non-violent dissent and protest.
Readings/Internet: Journals of Lewis and Clark, Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau, Journals of settlers on the Oregon Trail, Journals of 49ers during the California Gold Rush
Links Lesson: 1) Cause and Effect chart covering the Mexican War in detail, 2) Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the ideas and actions of Manifest Destiny in America with European Imperialism in Africa, 3) Concept Web of westward expansion (climate, settling, hardships, economic concerns, technology, politics, etc.)
Essential Questions: 1) Could territorial expansion have been stopped or slowed in American history?Why or why not? 2) Were the Texans justified in rebellion against Mexico or not?When is rebellion justified? 3) Is civil disobedience justified in opposition to a war supported by a representative government? 4) Is there a new frontier, representing the one California stood for, in the world today? Where? 5) How did the perspective of beauty of the land change between Native Americans and settlers?
Identification Terms
Alamo Massacre
Spanish Presidios
Oregon Trail
Winifred Scott
Sam Houston
Zebulon Pike
Dog Soldiers
1849 Gold Rush
Battle of San Jacinto
Joseph Smith
Mexican War
Lakota Tribe
Spanish Missions
Whig Party
Slavery Expansion
Santa Anna
Manifest Destiny
Goliad Massacre
Civil Disobedience
Mormon Church
Salt Lake City
James Polk
Treaty of Guad. Hidalgo
Zachary Taylor
Donner Party
54º 40 or Fight
Lincolns Spot Resolution
Industrial Exploitation
Brigham Young
Short Answer Questions
1.Is it an inherent aspect of human nature to explore?What about the exploitation of resources from land?Integration of cultures, etc.?
2.Was James Polk a successful president?What lessons do Americans today learn about Polks accomplishments and struggles?
3.In the Texan Revolution, were the Mexicans justified in attacking rebels in their province of Tejas?Provide reasons & evidence.
4.Describe the major positions of Henry David Thoreau in his essay, Civil Disobedience and what lessons it teaches us today in America.
5.Describe fully the journey taken on the Oregon Trail by an American settler family.Include political, economic and social references.
6.Was the Mexican War justified in principle or practice (or both or none)?What does the purpose and method of fighting teach us today?
7.How did the Gold Rush in California in 1849 transform American politically, economically, socially, militarily, and religiously?
8.What is the legacy of Spanish history in America today?Describe how American culture today respects and honors its Hispanic heritage.
9.Explain how the Mormons, their branch of Christianity and their trek across America influenced the development of American history.
10.What is the connection between industrialization and territorial expansion in American (continental) history?How does it affect us now?