What is your opinion about this cool blowout haircut menshaircuts.com/blowout-haircut/? Isnt it amazing? If youve heard of a temp haircut, then you have your answer, as its basically the same thing. To get the cut, you need to have your temple area trimmed short and faded noticeably. The hair on top, in turn, is left longer so that it could be pushed up and styled messy, textured and spiky as if the wind was your hair stylist. So, probably it really worth consideration. Cheers
If you could get a buzz cut and have a blowout cut, then there wouldnt be different names for them. A buzz cut is when you use clippers to cut the entire head the same length, usually a 2 guard or shorter. That isnt even close to the style you want. A blowout cut is more like a fade with the top left significantly longer than a fade usually would suggest. If your stylist or barber doesnt know what a blowout cut is (probably is confusing it with a blowout styling technique, which is completely different), you should get pictures of the style you want, save them on your phone or something, and show your stylist what it is you want. Dont just say you want the haircut that James Charles has or some other celebrity. I can remember when the Rachel was a big deal and I didnt know who that was or what the cut looked like because I worked nights and wasnt able to watch Friends. You have to bring pictures.