Essay Question: The Civil War ended a chapter in American history.Events and issues, since the nations founding were resolved in bloody conflict, leaving the nation deeply wounded and forever scarred.Obviously, there are consequences to such an important event in our collective memory, but what does the essence of war mean to you as an individual?All wars have a superficial nature when studied and not lived, and yet that superficiality creates comfort for those who do not have to suffer, bleed or cry as a result of war.Write, not with the technique of an essay, for a grade in a high school history class, but for the sake of writing and compose your song in words concerning this, or any other war.
Project Based Lesson: War Art War is an act of pure destruction.There is no human activity that compares, either in quantity of quality with the destructive potential of war, and yet, because of the enormous change it brings (or allows), war also seems to incite creativity.Sometime its an expression of futility, or desperation, but many times, people want to capture the essence of the events around them.Students will use any form of artistic expression they desire (approved by the teacher) to depict the essence of the Civil War.
Readings/Internet: John Ransons Andersonville Diary, Speeches of Abraham Lincoln, Diary of Mary Chestnut, letters of Union and Confederate soldiers
Links Lesson: 1) Concept Web chart on life during the Civil War for average American citizens (separate charts for North and South), 2) Compare and Contrast Charts for the North and South concerning economic, social and political factors, 3) Divided Page of Civil War leaders, new technology and common vocabulary of the time.
Essential Questions: 1) What were Lincolns greatest strengths in confronting this crisis of Civil War?His weaknesses? 2) Is democratic secession constitutional?Is it possible for the Constitution to be dissolved? 3) How are soldiers changed by the experience of war?What traits are most commonly felt?What are the characters of leadership that make Civil War generals effective? 4) Is the war over?Does conquest equal victory? What lessons has America learned on race?
Identification Terms
Ulysses S. Grant
Secession Argument
Southern Naval Blockade
Andersonville Prison
Robert E. Lee
Jefferson Davis
Stonewall Jackson
Abraham Lincoln
New Technology
William T. Sherman
Battle of Antietam
Monitor vs. Merrimack
J.E.B. Stuart
Battle of Gettysburg
Mass. 54th Infantry
Battle of Bull Run
Fall of FortSumter
Emancipation Proclam.
Lincoln Assassination
Loss of Habeas Corpus
Burning of Atlanta
John Wilkes Booth
Border State
Civil War Espionage
1863 Draft Riots
Battlefield medicine
English Alliance
Appomattox Surrender
Lincoln on Slavery
Battle of Vicksburg
Short Answer Questions
1.Was it possible for the Civil War to be prevented?What political, economic or social changes would have made this possible?Explain.
2.Choose four battle leaders during the Civil War period and provide a brief biography of their backgrounds and impacts on the war.
3.Provide five examples of technological innovation during the Civil War period and explain what impact they had on America & the war.
4.Abraham Lincoln has been considered one of our greatest presidents.Explain why (or refute) using logic & historical evidence.
5.Write two brief accounts of the Civil War from a soldiers perspective (North & South).Be historically accurate, detailed & descriptive.
6.To what extent was foreign intervention an important factor in the Civil War?Explain using historical evidence and logical arguments.
7.Why did Lincoln fight hard to keep the border states?Explain their strategic, political and economic importance during the war.
8.What was the short and long term impact of the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Lincoln in January 1863?
9.Was it possible for the South to achieve a military victory in the Civil War?What conditions would have made this possible?
10.What lessons has the causes, methods and effects of the Civil War in American history taught us as Americans today?Explain fully.